WIPs Finished or Quarantine Week #2

We are spending a lot of time at home lately, as I am sure I lot of you are. With all this time, I was able to finish to Works-In-Progress.

I have a big project that I really should have been working on, but I needed some wins for my mental well being. 

My daughter had these little doll quilts all pinned together and ready to go, so I some quick, straight line quilting, and fast binding, and called it a win!

My daughter was so happy!

My daughter's donation quilts

My other finish was this little pinwheel quilt. 

Pinwheel quilt

I had started ruler quilting it a few months ago, but wasn't loving how it was going.

The purple thread showed all of my mistakes, and all my hesitations. So I spent a whole day taking out all of the previous stitching. 

Then I re-quilted it all in white thread. It looks a lot better now!

Pin Wheel Quilt Backside quilting

It felt good to get a few things finished. Hope you are getting some good things accomplished too!

Have fun quilting!

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