Super Simple Flannel Baby Blanket Tutorial

Looking for a quick and easy baby shower gift?

This flannel baby blanket is simple to make for an easy, last minute gift. It is so much better than just the simple flannel blankets you can buy from the big box stores.  

Simple Flannel Baby Blanket

It is super simple. It seriously took me longer to pick out the fabric than it did to make it. (That is because I am indecisive.)

This is how to do it. 

Start with two square pieces of flannel.  I usually make a 41 inches square back and a 38 inches square front. I usually doesn't matter what size they are, as long as one is 3 inches larger in width and length. You could make a baby doll blanket using 15 and 12 inch squares. 

Here is the fabric I chose. 

Fabric Selection for Flannel Baby Blanket

These are actually two cheap flannel blankets that I am putting together to make a better blanket. 

I laid them out on the floor, wrong sides together, centered, so there is a 1 1/2 inch gap on all sides. 

Flannel Squares laid out to make a simple baby blanket

You don't need any batting on this. The flannel will naturally stick together and is already warm enough. 

Add a thick binding by first folding over 1/4-1/2 inch.

Making binding on a simple flannel baby blanket

Then fold over the edge again the rest of the 1-1 1/4 inch.

Making binding on a simple flannel baby blanket

I made a mitered corner, but you can fold them how ever you are comfortable. 

(For instructions on how to make a mitered corner, check out the next blog post.)

Pin down the binding. 

Mitered binding on a simple flannel baby blanket

Stitch as close to the edge as you can. 

Stitched edges on a simple flannel baby blanket

And it is all finished! Super cute and simple!

Finished Simple Baby Flannel Blanket

I rolled it up and added a bow using the left over fabric. 

Add a bow to the simple flannel baby blanket

All ready for gift giving at the next baby shower!

Simple Flannel Baby Blanket

You can easily make multiple blankets and wrap them together or add it into a bigger gift for a bigger effect.

Have fun sewing (and quilting!)


  • Hi Lela!
    You shouldn’t have to sew a n X in the front. The flannel naturally sticks together. Once it is sewn together it wont want to shift either. You can sew it together if you would like, it is just not necessary.

    Becky Smith
  • Do you need to sew a large X in the front of the blanket to help keep the two pieces of flannel together

    Lela Chatham
  • Hi Lisa! I had one that I used with my kids for years and years and the flannel always stuck together. Thanks for asking!

    Becky Smith
  • Do the 2 piece of flannel separate with washing or use without any top stitching to keep them together?

  • Love this. I can’t wait to get started.


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