It's not often that you can buy batting in the exact size that you need. I like to buy king size packages when they are on sale to stock up. I don't usually make king size quilts, so that leaves me with lots of pieces of batting.
This week, I wanted to pin baste my red version of the Irish Woodland quilt. I have a large piece of batting, but it was the wrong shape. So needed to cut it into pieces and sew it back together in a shape that would work.
I made sure that it was at least a few inches bigger that the quilt top on all sides.
Then I took the other pieces and lined up the straight sides.
To sew them together, it can be done by hand or by machine.
This piece was sewn together using a joining foot and a large zig zag stitch.
Just make sure the pieces do not overlap, and do not stretch the pieces.
For the lap quilt, I hand stitched the pieces together. I used big stitches because this is for holding these pieces together, not for looking pretty.
Again, make sure the pieces don't get stretched out so that it will lay flat.
Here it is, all pieced together.
It is all ready to be pin basted together.
When I have a lot of smaller pieces, I will save them for mini quilts. Anything smaller than that, I won't save it. Although, those pieces can be saved and used as stuffing for stuffed animals.
Have fun quilting!