American Flag Quilt Block Free Tutorial

Time to start decorating for July!

In the U.S., we celebrate Independence day on the forth of July. There is lots of barbecues, fireworks, and parties. We decorate with lots of flags, red, white, and blue.

Here is a quick and easy patriotic block you can whip up for some last minute decorating! You make a few to throw together a table runner, decorate a pillow, or start a festive quilt!

American Flag Quilt Block or Mini Quilt

This makes a 12" finished quilt block.


Blue.      1 at 5 x 5 inches

White.    2 at 2 x 5 inches

              1 at 2 x 9 1/2 inches

Red        1 at 2 x 5 inches

               2 at 2 x 9 1/2 inches

Border    2 at 2 x 9 1/2 inches

               2 at 2 x 12 1/2 inches

Pieces cut out for the quilt block


Start by sewing the 5 inch strips together into a white/red/white square. Press.

Then sew the 9 1/2 inch strips into a red/white/red block. Press.

Starting to sew the block together

 Sew the blue square to the short strips, then sew that onto the long strips. Press.

Adding borders to the quilt block

 Sew on the border by sewing the shorter strips onto each side of the flag block. Then sew on the longer strips to the top and bottom. Press.

Quilt block all assembled

Now you are ready to turn this into a patriotic pillow, table runner, or wall hanging!

Have fun quilting!

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